Jordan Brantley and I have never met IRL, but we’ve got one of those serendipitous online friendships. We both were watching and tweeting along to one of Tara Gentile’s CreativeLive classes. I can’t remember which of us started the conversation, but we connected that day. And after a few Twitter conversations, we started exchanging emails. […]
Courtney the Coach
Do you inspire and motivate your clients to increase their potential? Then this post collection will help do it on the legal up and up!
Learning the Ropes: Sharon Fain
Today, the lovely Sharon Fain is sharing her story with you. Sharon is one of the founders of Academy of Handmade, a community of makers creating sustainable businesses together. Academy of Handmade has some amazing resources on their blog to help makers build sustainable businesses. They also host an Awards Show recognizing makers who create beautiful […]
2 factors to consider when you are afraid someone copied you
Likely one of your biggest business fears is waking up to an inbox full of emails letting you know that someone is selling a knockoff product. It’s enough to derail your entire month and send you into a rage spiral. And you’ll consider a host of ways to retaliate: shaming her online getting a lawyer […]
Learning the Ropes: Lisa Anderson Shaffer
Lisa Anderson Shaffer is one of my favorite people of all time. She’s wicked smart, talented, and has a wardrobe I constantly drool over. I’ve loved watching Lisa’s business grow by leaps and bounds the past several years. As you might know, in addition to running this blog, I also run a law firm. And […]
1 thing you can learn from a dancing baby video on YouTube
One afternoon you are hanging out with your family. Music is playing in the background and you are all enjoying yourselves. When a Taylor Swift song comes on your adorable daughter starts dancing and singing along. It’s just all too cute so you whip out your phone, take a short video of it, and post […]
Are you making this mistake when paying your employees?
No matter how much you wished it were different, you only have 24 hours in a day. And you are juggling at least ten different roles in those 24 hours. You’ve got to: deliver your product/service keep your customers happy find new customers do the bookkeeping feed yourself write your content answer all the never-ending […]
How to get permission to use copyrighted material
Grab the “Can I use your copyrighted materials?” email template So you can quickly and easily ask permission to use someone else’s work. Your privacy is important to us. Learn how we protect it here. They told us to do a Google Search and download and print any pictures we wanted to use. And that […]
Learning the Ropes: Rachel Mae Smith
I can’t believe that Rachel Mae Smith of The Crafted Life and I only met in person late this summer. We met when I had the chance to take a joint workshop from her and Lisa Anderson Shaffer. I’ve been following Rachel’s blog for ages and am a big fan of her work. And proof […]
Do you know the answer to these 8 questions?
When I’m wearing my attorney hat, I see the nitty gritty ins and outs of lots of creative businesses. I hear successes, struggles, fears, and triumphs. I know about exciting things before you can share the news on social media. But also hear your frustrations when things go wrong. I’m the keeper of many secrets […]
Learning the Ropes: Brigitte Theriault
When I came up with this series, I knew that I wanted Brigitte Theriault to participate. Brigitte is a 10-year person chef veteran, but she struggles with an issue familiar to many creative service providers: the contract. For many creatives, presenting and negotiating a contract is a roller coaster of emotions. And I knew that […]
Are you breaking promises? Stop by creating a privacy policy
I can guess what your reaction will be when I start talking about the need for a privacy policy on your website. It’s usually feigned attention and eye rolling. In fact, when I ask people point-blank why they don’t have one, I usually hear the exact same answer: I don’t need one. This is wrong. You […]
The one change you need to make to your website terms of use
One of the keys to keeping your website visitors happy is to establish rules. These rules tell them what’s okay and what they can expect. You’d be right if you guessed that these rules go by the legal name of “terms of service” or “terms of use.” So you do the hard work, you brainstorm, […]