Unsure if she is an independent contractor or employee? Click through to learn the test you’ll use to decide plus 7 examples. And grab a PDF checklist!

Working on building a team for your creative business? Then this post collection will help you understand how to do it on the legal up and up!
Unsure if she is an independent contractor or employee? Click through to learn the test you’ll use to decide plus 7 examples. And grab a PDF checklist!
Almost every creative business owner will sign a contract they later regret. But how can you limit your chances of this happening? Watch this video to learn!
Want to tame your inbox by delegating it to your virtual assistant? Would you like them to answer emails, book appointments, or respond to customer requests? Then you won’t want to miss this week’s episode of Ask Kiff. Watch the video | Read the show notes | Read the transcript Show notes Read this post […]
” height=”532″ />And to get rid of some of these hats, you might consider hiring an independent contractor. Because this allows you to take specific tasks off your plate. It can get exhausting wearing all…the…hats… Are you hiring an independent contractor? Learn the three items you should collect in your digital files for each of […]
What name should you give your team member? Don’t call your new team member by the wrong name! Enter your email to download a workbook that will walk you through the questions you need to answer to decide if they can be an independent contractor. Or if you’ll have to hire them as an employee. […]
No matter how much you wished it were different, you only have 24 hours in a day. And you are juggling at least ten different roles in those 24 hours. You’ve got to: deliver your product/service keep your customers happy find new customers do the bookkeeping feed yourself write your content answer all the never-ending […]
I’m in the process of finding a website developer to work on some exciting new projects. And I’ve got a really solid lead that I’m thinking is the right person. Last Friday I was having coffee with a friend and telling her about the project, process, and status. I told her that I had narrowed […]
Even though it’s been four years since I graduated law school, I can always tell when the semester is about to start or end. How? By one type of email: the request for an internship at my firm. Here’s a recent example: I want to say yes because I learned so much from those that […]
Hiring an employee is a terrifying experience for many business owners. As you go through this process you’ll probably feel: Scared about giving up control, will the person you hire do it right? Excited because you no longer need to do [task you hate] and can instead spend your time doing [task you love]? Terrified […]
At a certain point in your business, you are going to need help if you want to grow. There are only so many hours in the day and you are only capable of doing so much. I usually suggest that you start by hiring out the tasks that you don’t love to do. Maybe you’d […]
You can! I’m your friendly legal eagle (and licensed attorney). And I’d love to pop in your inbox to help you cut through the red-tape and share how there can be ease in the legalese.