I’d say that 90% of the giveaways I see on Instagram aren’t legal. In fact, when I see one that is legal it stands out. So how do you make your giveaway legal? Watch this video to learn the five required steps!

I’d say that 90% of the giveaways I see on Instagram aren’t legal. In fact, when I see one that is legal it stands out. So how do you make your giveaway legal? Watch this video to learn the five required steps!
Have you heard of the term contract boilerplate? Even if you haven’t, it’s included in almost every contract. So you are familiar with it, even if you don’t know exactly what it is. When I first started practicing law, I read The Sense of Style by Stephen Pinker*, which is part style guide, part how […]
Discover why I don’t offer a legal to-do list and what you should do instead. Prioritize your legal projects based on your business goals.
It can be stressful to think about having a contract with a friend. Here’s an email you can use to start the conversation.
You know my goal around here is to help you add ease to the legalese. (I can’t believe I’ve been doing it for more than a decade now!) And for that entire time, my advice about how to keep your LLC legit hasn’t changed–until this year. When on January 1, 2024, a new law went […]
Does your LLC need a “real” business bank account? Or can you just get away with a personal bank account where you only keep the LLC’s money? Watch this video to learn!
When is it a good (or bad) idea to have multiple projects, brands, or businesses in the same LLC? The short version is is it’s okay when you are fine with them impacting each other. Watch the video to learn more.
In this comprehensive guide, you’ll learn what legal documents you should have for your creative business and how to easily organize them.
Art licensing can be a profitable revenue stream. But before you sign, read this to understand what your art licensing agreement contains.
Are you starting a creative business? Click through to learn the four easy tasks you should take to start your business off on the right foot.
Are you unsure how to sign a contract for your LLC? Who is allowed to sign? What should the signature line look like? By the end of this video and post, you’ll know: Watch the short version | Read the long version Watch Video Links Read Once you become an LLC there are lots of […]
Are you unsure if you should send your client a proposal or a contract? Contracts and proposals have very different purposes, by the end of this, you’ll know when you should send each.
You can! I’m your friendly legal eagle (and licensed attorney). And I’d love to pop in your inbox to help you cut through the red-tape and share how there can be ease in the legalese.