LegalZoom is cheaper than a lawyer, but you’ve heard good and bad stories about it. When should you run far away? When might it be okay to use it? Before you use LegalZoom make sure you check out this week’s episode of Ask Kiff. Watch the video | Read the show notes | Read the […]
Running a creative business
Want to run your creative business on the legal up and up? Then this post collection will help you do exactly that!
How can you foster connections between your clients/customers?
In the past few months, I’ve been a test knitter for two different patterns. Both patterns had mistakes and confusing sections. But as of last week, both projects are blocked and finished. One designer, I’d happily test knit for again. And the other I’d politely decline if she asked me. The big reason is that […]
Does having my VA email on behalf of my business turn her into an employee?
Want to tame your inbox by delegating it to your virtual assistant? Would you like them to answer emails, book appointments, or respond to customer requests? Then you won’t want to miss this week’s episode of Ask Kiff. Watch the video | Read the show notes | Read the transcript Show notes Read this post […]
Certain legal projects are a waste of your time and money if…
Writing a business plan sounds like business basics, not legal. But it is because some legal projects waste your time and money if they don’t move you forward. Click through to read why and grab a FREE 1-page business plan.
What I learned about multiple revenue streams from my juggling niece
This summer I took July and the first week of August off. I traveled and spent time with my family. And there was plenty of laughter and tears as we said goodbye to my Papa. The past several weeks hanging out with my niece, I learned the basics of juggling. Although I still can’t juggle […]
Why ignoring LinkedIn might be a big missed opportunity in your creative business
Want help in learning how to leverage your LinkedIn profile to find new clients? In this free workshop replay, learn how to change your mindset around LinkedIn, from a boring, stuffy social network, to a no-fluff way to connect with clients. My guest co-host Becky Mollenkamp shares three ways you can elevate your LinkedIn game […]
Creatives! You need to do fewer legal projects than you think
Overwhelmed by that business legal checklist you downloaded? You probably don’t have to do all those legal projects right now. Click through to learn how to prioritize them and grab a worksheet that will help you sort them.
Are you on the path that’s handed to you or the path you want to be on?
Hate your to-do list? Then your first step is to decide where you are headed. And then eliminate everything that won’t help you get there. Click through to read the three swift kicks the universe gave me before I learned my lesson.
How to motivate yourself to take action, even when you don’t want to
Having a bad day? Learn why you shouldn’t just create a plan but plan for curve balls. So that you can have a plan to power through the bad days.
How to reduce overwhelm by knowing what you value
Knowing your business values is one of the keys to reducing overwhelm and filtering out the noise. Click through to grab a checklist you can use to determine your creative business’ values.
How to talk to your friends and family about net neutrality
I know that for many of us this has been a hard year. It feels like every day there’s a new injustice, someone acting badly, or actions that further marginalize and divide our country. And in times like this, it’s hard to stand up and fight every time we disagree. Because it feels like too […]
6 legal tasks to help you end 2017 strong
Running a regular legal check-up of your creative business sounds boring. But it is critical to building a foundation to support your big goals. And unless you turn it into a habit, then it’s hard to change your pattern of behavior. (Pssst…my favorite book about habit forming is The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg […]