Planning your best year yet
the artist’s Journal | Issue No. 01 | January 2018
Several years ago, I started adopting a word to serve as my year’s theme. (h/t Susannah Conway)
In 2015, I picked community, sparking the creation of the artist’s Courtyard. In 2016, I focused on building stronger relationships using cultivate as my guide. Finally, last year was about acceptance. (And it kicked my butt.)
For 2018 I’ll be using ease to guide my actions.
Launching a digital magazine seems counterintuitive to adding ease. But I’ve learned this format adds ease in two ways.
First, I love working on a single task for chunks of time. (If you are curious, check out Deep Work by Cal Newport <—Amazon affiliate link.) And creating a block of content allows me to spend blocks researching, writing, or editing. Allowing me to add ease by restructuring my schedule.
I’m also a puzzle solver. And creating a digital magazine adds ease by allowing me to dive deep. I can think about the topic from various angles and solve the puzzle by pulling out the unifying thread.
But the rest hasn’t changed. You’ll find tools and resources to help you build a strong foundation for your creative business. And I’m never going to stop trying to convince you that there can be ease in the legalese of running a creative business.
For the inaugural issue, I’ve focused on helping you plan your best year yet. And as you might expect, I’m not sharing hacks or tricks. It’s all about creating plans (and sticking to them), business values, and simplifying what’s on your plate.
I’m planning on publishing a new issue every seven weeks. And experiments are only as good as the data you collect. So please send me your thoughts, ideas, and feedback on this new experiment.
Grab Issue No. 1
Grab the PDF version of Issue No. 1 and get articles focused on helping you create your best year yet. And as you might expect, I’m not sharing hacks or tricks. It’s all about your why, business values, and simplifying what’s on your plate.
You’ll get all the articles and features to read, learn, and apply on your own terms.
Your privacy is important to us. Learn how we protect it here.
In this Issue
How to reduce overwhelm by knowing what you value
Click through to learn how to determine your values and grab a list of more than 200 words you can use to determine your creative business’ values.
How to motivate yourself to take action, even when you don’t want to
You also have to plan for curve balls. So that you can have a plan to power through the bad days.
Are you on the path that’s handed to you or the path you want to be on?
Click through to read the three swift kicks the universe gave me before I learned my lesson.
Creatives! You need to do fewer legal projects than you think
Click through to learn how to prioritize them and grab a worksheet that will help you sort them.
In this issue
* – Exclusive to the PDF digital magazine. Grab your copy below!
- 5 titles to pick up now
- How to reduce overwhelm by knowing what you value
- Brand Values List*
- How to motivate yourself to take action, even when you don’t want to
- Are you on the path that’s handed to you or the path you want to be on?
- Ask Kiff: how important is it to have a business plan?
- Creatives! You need to do fewer legal projects than you think
- What path is your creative business on? worksheet*
- #learnandact*